High School Voice Studio

Ryan Cole, a student at HSPVA and a member of the High School Voice Studio (HSVS) wrote a blog about his experience in the studio.

I have experienced so much more than I ever could have imagined in the High School Voice Studio. From the audition at the end of the school year last year to preparing for college auditions now, the journey has been better than I expected.

Receiving assistance while preparing for college is one of the best, and least advertised, parts of the studio. As a high school senior, I spend a lot of time looking at colleges and wondering how to make the right decisions. The HSVS leaders have given me tremendous guidance and shown me what to look for in a school.

As a member of the studio, I also receive a year of weekly voice lessons- all for free! I have made many improvements in a short period of time that simply weren't possible without having a teacher's guidance on a regular basis. My teacher, Dr. Tracy Satterfield, has not only helped fix my vocal issues, but also helped me be aware of when an issue is present and the difference I feel after I correct it. She has also given me priceless assistance with selection of repertoire for auditions and recitals. Finding a song that's age-appropriate and right for a singer’s voice is very challenging if you don't know what you're doing. To be exposed to that level of expertise in high school will only help build my vocal career on a solid foundation.

Another great part of the program is the opportunity to see every mainstage opera at HGO. I first came to a rehearsal of Cavalleria Rusticana/Pagliacci, and I loved being able to see a real rehearsal of an opera. It was amazing to see how combining orchestra, soloists, adult chorus, and children’s chorus can be quite a challenge. I also get to see the final dress rehearsal of each show, where the problems from the previous rehearsal are nonexistent.

I have also experienced some life changing master classes in the High School Voice Studio. I had the honor of singing for Dr. Stephen King of Rice University’s Shepherd School of Music. He spoke about learning new music and a wonderful concept of practicing: enjoy the journey and don't be obsessed about the destination. His attention to detail and language has forever changed my perspective on language and diction. The last master class I attended was taught by the world-renowned Ana María Martínez. She has a contagious passion for the art of singing. She told a story about projection of the voice that really touched me. She said that you must not force your voice to be louder but allow it to go beyond the back of the house. When she is on stage, she is singing to the people in the very back who may not be able to afford better seats or seats to any other opera the rest of the season. She sings to the people who really sacrifice to be there. She sings to the people who have a true love for opera. She sings to the people who are having a hard day, week, or even life. She believes that singing is not only a craft, but a service to all the people who can benefit from forgetting about there worries for as long the curtain is up.

Now I have begun preparing for my college auditions and the HSVS recital in January. I am so excited to be able to sing on the recital with a new and improved technique, sound, and concept of singing. Ms. Martínez helped us all realize that we don’t just sing on stage, we take people out of their world and into the story. She is the kind of performer I strive to be.

Auditions for next year's HSVS will be posted online in February. Auditions are open to Juniors in High School who are interested in pursuing a degree in music.


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