High School Voice Studio Winter Recital

This week's blog is from Krystal Hargrove, a member of the Houston Grand Opera High School Voice Studio. She writes about her experiences during the HSVS Winter Recital.

Performing for the first time in front of an unbiased audience was an absolutely amazing experience! It opened my eyes to the possibilities I have as a performer and just how the High School Voice Studio is helping me to attain them. Though nervous beyond anything I've ever felt, I was comforted by the other members of the studio as well as Mr. Smith, Ms. Gianni, and my wonderful accompanist Yungha. I finally grasped the "it takes a village to raise a child" concept that evening.

Everyone who helped me reach this vocal milestone was there showing their support. As I began singing, the whole environment instantly felt warm and affable. I knew then no one was out to tell me I missed a note or rhythm. The only regret was that I didn't get to hear my peers perform. Part of being in the HSVS is hearing and adapting to your growth vocally. Individually I believe we noticed our growth, but just didn't have a chance to share it with each other. My favorite part of the evening was meeting everyone afterwards. It was such a blast to meet everyoneʼs families, hear feedback on myself, and of course eat cookies! Yet the one moment that I'll never forget is when two adorable girls approached me for an autograph. I realized that I wasn't just a performer, but that I could also be an inspiration. This is why music is my passion. The HSVS gave me a night I'll never forget!


Akima T. said...

Krystal, You were truly amazing that evening!!! Thank you for inviting myself and my family we all enjoyed it at various degrees. My 8 year old was on the edge of her seat absorbing every note you sang. My 3 year old was more into the piano and how it applies to her own private lessons, but most of all my 13 year old son was able to peek into another world of music that he still speaks of to this date. The only downfall is, now EVERYONE, thinks that they can sing Opera....LOL, the house can become quite noisy. Thank you again, we look forward to attending more performances this year.

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